Wednesday, January 11, 2012

box sides and lumber shipments

The new year has started out very well. Got lots of stuff shipped this week. Working on the details of the grandfather clock and the spice chest with Charles Neil. Hope to get some stuff finalized soon, so I can get the material and figure out some pricing options. See the links at Charles' site about these 2 projects. They will be beauties..

I will be writing another wood newsletter. If you want a copy, email me at bob at or go to my website and email from there.

Got some super flame birch. Make beautiful furniture and cabinets.
This is the top half of a flame birch chimney cupboard. It was done in a lockwood dye. I love the reds on flame birch. Charles just did a table in flame birch he got from me. It is in his paid video series.
I will say this. I have been building furniture since 1979. I have been watching his paid show since it started. I have learned something with every piece he has done. I have read books and watched lots of guys teach and show. Nothing quite compares to his. Its down and dirty and mistakes happen. That's what makes it so good. Mistakes happen to all of us. The only difference is, the more years you have doing something, the better you are at fixing the problems. That is where he shines. Just lots of good info and solid building techniques. If I can learn, anyone can. It is worth the money, hands down. For less then the cost of a fancy handplane, you can get a whole year's worth of shows.

Well I guess that is it for now. We have had such nice weather. I don't recall too many years here in north east Wisconsin with 50 degree days the first week of January, but tomorrow we are getting snow, so the dead brown grass will be covered. Hope it doesn't last too long. Take care.